Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Vocabulary Sentences

1. After going to court, at the age of 16 I was an emancipated minor.

2. My mother divulged my bad grades to her best friend which embarrassed me.

3. Ms. Hegeman always has to reiterate what she says because we like to talk over her.

4. I was brazen when I took the lady's money out of her wallet.

5.The parapet kept the children safe from going over.

6. I transversed the school hallway looking for my missing book bag.

7. I was brooding after finding out my boyfriend dumped me.

8. My tight skinny jeans chafed my thigh when I was running.

9. My mother interrupts my show with interminable conversations.

10. I had a paroxysm of anger when my sister broke my favorite glasses.

11. The jockey became dizzy when his horse ran around in circles.

12. I put on my coat hastily when I heard the fire alarm ringing.

13. The haggard expression on my face told Ms. Gilpin I wasn't having a good day.

14. College is the tertiary and last part of my education.

15. The rapper 'The Game' is an example of someone who is rakish.

16. The vaulted church was big enough for 200 people.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

My Passion...

I love roller coasters with a passion. I remember when I was a child I use to cry about not being tall enough to get on the roller coasters. Now when I go to amusement parks, I try to get on every high speedy roller coaster I can. Most people have a fear of being up so high and having no control over their life. Well I'm different. I like not having any control over my life and my stomach dropping along with the ride.

When I get to the top of the roller coaster I feel myself becoming nervous of what's about to happen. It still doesn't stop me from getting on and having fun. That's why I can't wait to go on the senior trip. Iv'e been to Busch Gardens and Kings Dominion so I know what to expect and I am excited for it. I just wish April will hurry up and get here so I can have my fun.