Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Prom Is Not That Special

For the past month, people have been asking me if I was going to prom. When I would respond with a "no", they would start to over exaggerate about how it's suppose to be the best night of my life. I also tend to hear that I'm going to regret it in about 20 years. Honestly speaking, I probably won't even remember half of your names in 20 years. I would love to know who told people that so I can have a conversation with that person. Prom will not be the best night of my life and I'm sure I won't regret it ladies and gentlemen so please stop telling me that. Whoever swindled yall won't be able to swindle me because its all bull. It's just too much money for like 4 hours. Boys have it easy because all they have to do is get a tux, shoes, and a haircut. Girls need a dress, shoes, makeup, hair, manicure and pedicure. All of that sounds like $800 or more that I don't feel the need to spend for 4 hours. I need my money to be spent on more important things like college. The government is giving me less than $450 for me to go to school so I need my money. One of the best days of my life will be graduation day when I walk across the stage and receive my diploma. I can care less about anything else going on this school year to be honest. I just want to leave so I can start my new life with new people. Have fun at the prom though.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My Passion

A passion that I have is astrology. That can be both bad and good. Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. Since I was young, I was into the zodiac signs. Every Sunday when my grandmother received the newspaper, I would go straight to the back of the paper to read the horoscope section. My mother owns a horoscope book and I would read up on the signs. I believe it's good because I know how things can work out between me and other signs. It can also be bad because there's a lot of different beliefs and judgement about the signs too.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Right now, we're writing our essays on A Midsummer Night's Dream. I feel like my essay was good the way it was but there was a complaint that my essay wasn't two pages long. I was told I could connect it back to Othello and Romeo and Juliet but I couldn't figure out how. It's times like this that I miss BAM so that we wouldn't have to write in class. I just can't wait  until this is all over.

Procrastination (SSR)

As I sat here thinking of what to blog about, I became mad. I didn't know what to write and it's the day before senior trip. I have to wake up at 5:15am to make it to the bus on time and it's 11:45 and I'm awake blogging. The only person I can blame for this is myself because I procrastinate too much. I have always waited until the last minute to get things done. I didn't even mention that I knew about my trip for months and just decided today to shop and pack my suitcase.

I have a project due every Tuesday for Ms. Tomlin and I always wait until Monday night to get it done. I try to make changes to my bad habits but it's so hard. Sometimes I think I work better under pressure but time and energy is never on my side. Time management is important in college so I'm trying to change my ways now. I won't give up on myself though.


When  asked the question if the class should read Hamlet together or do the BAM program, I was one of the people who voted 'no' for BAM. Acting has never been my thing. I am too shy to stand up in front of people and do anything. Although, when the program did start and we were first introduced to WT, I loved the game of 'Yosemite'. I would usually look forward to playing it because that's the only thing I was in favor of doing. I was even able to win a game of Yosemite and it felt great.

However, I did enjoy the performances. Of course we had the best performances but everyone else did good too. I loved how one of the schools had the whole class participate. They went up and did something I couldn't see myself doing. Overall, BAM wasn't that bad and sometimes I miss it.